Mo'cycle Airbag Jeans

Airbag Inside Sweden AB



  • Mo'cycle Airbag Jeans feature cutting-edge technology for spinal protection in accidents, merging safety with style.

  • Mo'cycle received funding from three of the five “Dragon” investors in 2021 and in 2023 a fourth Dragon investor joined the venture.

  • An investment in Mo'cycle taps into the burgeoning market for advanced motorcycle safety gear, forecasting growth and innovation.

  • Award-winning and media-featured, Mo'cycle® sets a new standard in motorcycle safety, endorsed by the community and safety experts.

Mo'cycle Airbag Jeans, based in Sweden, integrates cutting-edge technology into fashionable motorcycle jeans for enhanced rider safety, combining airbag, space, and fashion technologies. Founded by award-winning designer Moses Shahrivar, the brand has garnered support from European Union funding and notable Swedish investors, including four "Dragon" investors.

Mo'cycle Airbag Jeans

Airbag Inside Sweden AB


Startdatum: 4 april 2024Slutdatum: 4 maj 2024
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