We bring together data such as shareholders, reports, key figures, news, buying interest, selling interest and latest price in one place. By standardising documentation and processes, we reduce information asymmetry and enable fairer, more efficient and predictable trading.
Genom att standardisera dokumentation och processer minskar vi informationsgapet och skapar en mer rättvis, effektiv och förutsägbar marknad för onoterade aktier.
Unlike other Swedish players, Accumeo offers a secondary market for trading in unlisted shares. This mitigates the often extensive illiquidity that characterises this type of security, i.e. the difficulty of easily finding buyers or sellers.
Detta minskar den illikviditet som ofta präglar aktier i onoterade bolag och gör det enklare att hitta rätt köpare eller säljare.
Accumeo is an affiliated agent of Aqurat Fondkommission AB, a Swedish securities company authorised by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finansinspektionen), and is also authorised by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority to operate in accordance with the European Crowdfunding Service Providers (ECSP) Regulation.
Accumeo is designed with an intuitive interface that simplifies the investment process and makes it easier for users to find, evaluate and invest in unlisted companies without being overwhelmed by complex structures or concepts.
Accumeo gör det enkelt – vi förenklar varje steg så att du smidigt kan hitta, utvärdera och investera i onoterade bolag utan att fastna i komplicerade strukturer och tekniska begrepp.
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