A new standard for trading in unlisted shares

Vi tycker att transaktioner i onoterade aktier ska vara enkla, transparenta och billiga. Vi har byggt en plattform som gör det möjligt att köpa och sälja aktier i onoterade bolag - så kallade sekundärtransaktioner - snabbt, enkelt och utan höga avgifter.

Genom att för första gången samla finansieringshistorik, nyckeltal, prisdata och senaste nytt på ett och samma ställe, gör vi det enklare att fatta smarta beslut.

Oavsett om du är en erfaren investerare, entreprenör eller nyfiken nybörjare, är Accumeo platsen där du kan få tillgång till information och möjligheter som tidigare varit svåra att nå.
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Why choose Accumeo over traditional brokers

Traditionella mäklare
Access to Deal Flow
Market reach
Market insights
Regulatory compliance
Licensed and regulated by financial authorities.
Often not regulated
Automated processes
Technology-driven, reducing errors and delays.
Manual processes, prone to inefficiencies.

Here's how it works

Create an account
Creating an account with us is free, easy and fast - the process takes about three minutes. Before you can start investing, you'll need to answer a few questions to make sure you're aware of what it means to invest in shares.
Explore unlisted companies and access our aggregated data
Through Accumeo's platform, you can explore unlisted companies, understand market developments and add alerts. Whether you are an experienced investor or new to the field, our platform will help you navigate an exciting and often undervalued part of the stock market.

By bringing together and presenting relevant information in a clear and accessible way for the first time, we make it easier for you to find investment opportunities, evaluate potential investments and track your portfolio's performance.
Buy and sell shares in unlisted companies
Through our platform, you can safely and smoothly execute transactions in unlisted shares. Whether you want to invest in new companies, increase your current holdings or realise value in your portfolio, we offer a transparent process with standard contracts and terms.
“Accumeo has made it possible for me to buy and sell pre-IPO shares with ease.”
Johan Strid

Questions and answers

What is Accumeo?
What services does Accumeo offer?
Who can use Accumeo?
Why should I choose Accumeo?
What fees does Accumeo charge?
What is the minimum amount I can invest through Accumeo?
Can I invest through companies?
How do I register on Accumeo?
Do I own shares through an SPV or directly?
Where can I find my shares?
Can I sell my shares?
Is Accumeo's business registered with the Financial Supervisory Authority?
Is it possible to delete my account?
Is it possible to get a copy of my data?
Any further questions?
Please contact us